Eco Friendly Gardening Tips

by Maddie Vlismas

We've been spending more and more time in the garden lately, and it's no mistake - the sun is shining and the weather is bloomin' perfect for nurturing our plant babies! 

While we're lucky enough to have a full backyard with lots of room for planter beds now, that wasn't always the case. Gardening is possible even in the smallest spaces, and with minimal equipment too. Here are some of our all-time fave tips for the eco-conscious gardener. 


Keep old jars and containers to reuse for replanting. 

You never know what could make a cute plant pot until you think outside the box! Glass jars are a favourite for propagating plants as you can see straight away when their roots start to grow. Or purchase terracotta or ceramic pots if you need to buy new ones - these are not only made from natural materials, but they're also made to last.


Make your own bug spray!

We've learnt that a mix of neem oil, soap and water is a great, natural way to keep bugs away from your plant babies. The mix is biodegradable, non-toxic to pests and super effective against common indoor bugs!


Make your own plant food!

This one is super easy and your plants will love it. If you're a fan of bananas, simply save your peels to make your own natural fertiliser! Just soak the peels in water for a few days time. After that, put the juice into a spray bottle or just pour directly into the soil of your plants. This works because bananas are super high in potassium which is great for plants.


Reuse your water

When watering your plants, why not reuse any excess cooking or shower water in order to conserve water and give your plants a little extra somethin' somethin'. Your cooking water will be packed full of nutrients your that your plants will thrive on. Just make sure to wait until it has cooled down first - plants hate being watered with cold water, and should never be watered with hot water. Collecting rainwater is also an easy way to conserve. 


Reuse fabric to clean plant leaves

Plants absorb sunlight through their leaves (photosynthesising!) , so if they're all covered in dust they won't be able to absorb enough sunlight to keep them growing healthy and happy. Dusting plant leaves regularly is a tip all on its own, but we also like to to reuse old cloths or fabric to wipe the dust. 


Save seeds while cooking

This one sounds super obvious, but it still blows our minds to this day. Salvage seeds of anything you might like to grow while cooking and either pop them straight into your garden, or dry them out first. 

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