Plastic Straws Suck

by Emily Carlstrom
A lot of people would agree that some drinks just taste better through a straw, plus there are definitely some benefits – no issues with ice clashing your teeth, your lipstick stays in place, your teeth aren’t as easily stained and the chance of spilling your drink all over you is drastically reduced (yes this affects me - often).
However, do you know how much devastation your straw habit is causing to our oceans and wildlife?
The stats
Just like other single-use plastics, plastic straws have an incredibly short life-span before being discarded and ending up in our waterways, bushland, oceans and wildlife. The stats show that an estimated 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles have been found with plastic in their stomachs. An animal will often mistake plastic straws for food and there is a high chance that they will either be suffocated or killed from ingesting the harmful plastic.
Image: Kasey Turner
The amount of plastic straws being used everyday is disturbing. In the US alone, 500 million straws are used daily before being discarded. Not to mention plastic straws are also harmful for our health as they contain BPA, which has been linked to many chronic diseases and conditions (but I'll be writing about the harm single-use plastics have on our health in another post).
Image: Underdone Comics by Rob Lang
What we can do to help
Luckily, the power is in our hands and the solution is simple – stop using plastic straws! But I love drinking through a straw! Invest in a sustainable alternative like our gold KAPPI stainless steel straws. All sets of KAPPI straws come in an organic cotton carry pouch + a straw cleaner which makes taking them out with you sooo much easier.

Tips to stop using plastic straws for good!
  • Every time you order a drink out, remember to add ' no straw please' to your order.
  • Take your reusable straws out with you to cafes, bars and restaurants (don’t worry about the weird looks you may get – use it as an opportunity to educate someone)
  • It is particularly easy to slip into old ways when travelling, so just remember to continue to ask for no straw or take your reusables with you.

I would love to know any other tips in the comments below :)


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